Friday, May 14, 2010

Jeff's Graduation


3 1/2 years of hard work, sacrifice, tears and frustration ... and I guess Jeff had it pretty rough too, haha ... finally, we got to celebrate him graduating with his Associate's Degree last night.

It truly was rough getting to this point. During the semesters, Jeff worked full time 10+ hours a day and then came home to a full course load he did online. This had to be incredibly challenging and exhausting... mentally and physically draining and stressful. Then on my side, I basically became a single mom, keeping the kids out of his hair (at the beginning they were only 2 and 5!), taking care of them and the house, doing the shopping and homework and dance classes, while still working 3 days a week outside the home and running two businesses... and for the last 8 months of school, I was also pregnant.

I can't say that we were each other's best support during the whole thing. Many times our overload was taken out on each other. We each resented certain things about the other... I resented him getting "quiet time" upstairs daily even if he was studying, while I never got a moment to myself... he resented me having the freedom to go to the grocery store and couldn't believe that my jobs could be as stressful as his ordeal.

The truth is, it was hard on both of us and I'm going to say it was equally hard, each circumstance in its own way. Throw in the unexpected curveballs, like Sophie's hospitalization, Ian's acting out at school, and a surprise pregnancy, among many many other things I won't go into, and I sometimes wonder how on earth we survived and marvel that we are still functioning members of society instead of drooling in the corner of a padded room somewhere.

That we made it through it all and still basically like each other (LOL) is evident by the fact of our sweet 6 week old daughter!!! SO I am very proud of Jeff for making it through and not just graduating, but graduating with honors, a member of the National Honor Society's Phi Theta Kappa, and getting grants and scholarships to pay his whole ride at UNCG to continue on and get his degree in accounting starting this fall. WAY TO GO HONEY!!! And I am very proud of myself, and our kids, for persevering and loving him even when he was cranky and supporting this endeavor. WAY TO GO US!!!! :)

Two more years to get through, and I just know deep down that it's going to be so worth it.

This is our first photo of our entire family of 5 together... it gives me tears because we just look so right with baby Em here with us.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We love hair stuff!

Some adorable hair stuff I got in exchange for doing the product photography... so sweet!!!

We have one more headband to do, but here's the cuteness so far... is it just me, or are these the 2 most gorgeous girls ever!!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day was especially special today. It was my first as a mom of 3!

WOW... it seems like just yesterday I was playing with Barbies, and now look at me.

It was a great day. Jeff let me get about 11 hours of sleep -- 7 and 4 in a row -- I won't lie, my boobs were killing me but it was WORTH IT!!!

Then after I got up, I was presented with my gifts... I didn't really expect any honestly, considering how tight finances are and the huge bills we have to pay from Emalie's birth, and would have been thrilled with heartfelt cards and drawings... but they all went out of their way to make me feel special.

sweet card from Jeff with a note written inside -- smart aleck card from the kids -- Sophie's wrapping paper -- coupons, my own ring, a star Ian made, and a feather from Sophie -- candy and a gift card from Jeff

a beautiful poster and a rock from Ian -- the rock has a lovely story. He went to the mountains with Mom yesterday and spotted the rock, and said it was heart-shaped. He asked Mom if he could keep it, and she said yes and asked what he was going to do with it. He said "Give it to mom." So then he proceeded to "carve" it to perfect the shape, wash and dry it thoroughly. I will keep this rock forever! Unplanned little things like that are so special.

Ian also made me a beautiful shelf at school which he says is for me to put Emalie's keepsakes on. LOL... so cute. He had brought it home in his bookbag, so of course it broke all to pieces. He went to show it to me Friday and burst into tears and it broke my heart! Jeff hammered and nailed it back together this morning so now it's good as new.

Daily LOL

I spotted this earlier and had to run for my camera... it's one of those can't-miss shots...

after all of 2 days Solomon has assumed the role of Prince of Cats at our house.

Remember how Sampson and Scamper used to share this kitty bed?

Haha, not anymore... this kitten that weighs like 5 ounces kicked them out.
(He's in it in this pic, it's hard to see because he is that tiny.)

And 15 pound Scamper is such a precious sweet kitty-soul, that he just rolls over and takes it. Literally.

Our newest addition...

Meet Solomon!

When a friend posted on Facebook that she found this little guy crying in the bushes and couldn't keep him, I quickly placed dibs and then asked Jeff if we could pleeeease adopt the little guy... he texted me back that it was fine with him, and I could just FEEL the eye roll from miles away LOL!

Carley brought the tiny guy to us and we were all so thrilled... except Jeff, who rolled his eyes some more, and Emalie, who pretty much just stared at the light and drooled. haha -- but Ian and Sophie almost had apoplexies on the spot, scared the poor little thing to bits...

He recovered SO fast though... he has only been here 2 full days and he is already a little shadow. He trots around after us on the porch, climbs my leg if I put him down, and snuggles into the crook of your neck to snuggle.

Earlier today he put either front paw on each of my cheeks and licked my nose... I mean really!!!!

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