Yep, I'm using this as my Project 365 lol... which in my case is going to end up being like Project 240 if I'm lucky, but hey I'm trying!
Getting ready to walk out the door for NUMEROUS errands this morning, I glance out the door only to be met with this sight.
Jeff ran his car into the soup that is our yard and took my car to work this morning!
AARRGGHH!!!! Not going anywhere... I have told Jeff for years that maneuvering around my car like that he'd get stuck one day.
Small comfort but at least now I can say I TOLD YOU SO!
A couple of people drove by while I was taking the pics, and all the sudden I thought "OH HELL, they're going to think I did this!!"
Now for some reason, I have this song going through my head to the tune of the General's famous "Pants on the Ground" song from American Idol.
Car in the ditch, car in the ditch, lookin' like a fool wi'cha car in the ditch! Stuck in the mud, wheels turned sideways, lookin' like a FOOL wi'cha car in the ditch!
Enjoy Larry's version, I can't get enough of this guy, I think he's hilarious and I agree, fools need to pick they pants up off the ground yo!
My BFF's son Nolan turned 3 today (Happy Birthday!! Mimi loves you!!) but his par-tay was last weekend...
We had delicious lasagna, salad and of course CAKE, Sopes played with Ava (our friend Shannon's cutie daughter), we got to snuggle Shannon's newborn twin boys, and a good time was had by all.
Ironically, all my maternity tops are too short and I have to wear regular ones that are the long style to cover this big bump!! Only about 11 weeks to go!!!!
Had a doc appointment this morning, just a regular scheduled thing.
Let's see... baby's heart rate is great, my blood pressure is good...
I've only gained about 10 pounds -- YEA --
and my belly is already measuring about a week ahead!!
No shocker, but still... silly fat little baby!
The doc said that we'll plan to induce me most likely around April 7-9, because of Jeff's work schedule as well as the fact that I have big honkin' babies and a history of shoulder dystocia. So, between 38 and 39 weeks, same as Sophie. The final call will be made by my primary doc when I see her in 4 weeks but that's a pretty good estimate!
I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going by. The other two it seemed like I complained nonstop about how LONG... this time, all I can think is that it's flying by.
Maybe it's because I'm getting older and wiser and more patient?? LOL!
I think it's because I know this is my last time, and I want to appreciate and remember it, so contrarily it is going by very quickly. Sounds about right!
So, basically all good news and good stuff.
In 2 weeks I go back for my sugar test (blegh) and my Rhogam shot (OUCH), and from there on it's every 2 weeks until 37 weeks, I think.
Omg... only about 12 more weeks to go... I have soooo much to get done!!!
Well I missed a couple days of Project 365... guess I need to get in groove of it still.
Playing around with my lighting today, trying to get a high key look without paying for the high key studio... it's not easy, and I'm not really happy with the outcome.
I'm REALLY not happy with my zoom lens, which seems to have a mind of its own about what to focus on regardless of what I tell it to do. FRUSTRATING!
Tomorrow, I go light shopping.
This represents the best of the lot from today... at least Sophie looks cute!
I found out about this on day 6 of the year, but better late than never...
Very cool concept -- take at least 1 photo every day, and you'll have an amazing chronicle by the end of the year.
Today I started kinda late, so I picked my 2 favorite subjects and took some quick shots.
I imagine that starting in April there will be a LOT of baby pictures in my year. ;)
Still figuring out my new 85mm lens. It's like looking through a telescope! I'm not used to having to be sooo far away from my subject. It makes framing the shot a whole new experience. I think it will be better for outdoors. I took these with my Speedlite on auto, and I'm going to put my camera settings on all these project pics for my own reference. :)
I managed to get off my off-schedule... not going to stress over it, I'll just take a pic every week or two!
Growing pretty fast now, little one... don't get too ginormous on me ok?!
Taken on New Year's Day...
she is really moving now, all throughout the day and I can tell the difference between a punch/kick and a roll-over. Sometimes they're so strong it actually makes me jump! She's a strong, healthy little thing. :)
On Christmas Eve morning we headed out to the baseball field here in Kville to set off model rockets... I believe this was the 3rd Annual Christmas Rocket Launch!
It was soooo incredibly cold that we couldn't handle it for long, but we still lasted about 2 hours.
Ian manned the launch pad, which was sort of scary, but he didn't blow up Uncie Mike as threatened thankfully.
Sopes played gopher and chased the fallen rockets until she ran out of steam.
The pregnant lady (me) sat and watched. Haha.
Pop the Rocket Master putting it all together
3... 2... 1...
Go Sopes!
That devious little face, he is such a BOY!
Back to our house for some more presents with Uncie Mike and Aunt Sadie