Monday, February 1, 2010

Glucose Test FAIL


I can't help it, it irks me to death.

Turns out I failed my 1 hour glucose test on Thursday by a whole 10 points.

149 vs 139

So now they want me to come Weds and take the 3 hour test.

I asked if this is "required" per se, and she somewhat snottily said "Well, it IS the doctor's recommendation."

Geez, I'm not trying to be a bad incubator here.

The point is ... GD can lead to big babies and hypertension/pre-eclampsia and high weight gain and sometimes early delivery.

Big baby - it's going to happen anyway. Her fat little butt is already 2.5 weeks ahead according to my fundal height.

Hypertension - my blood pressure has been low the whole pregnancy.

High weight gain - I've gained all of 11 lbs this whole time, and the baby plus fluid and gunk makes up for most of that.

Early delivery - Ha, for me?! I don't believe it, but if it happens they will either stop it or decide it's not TOO early and let me go. I went in with contractions at 35 weeks with Sophie and they were Not Concerned with stopping labor - it just stopped on its own.

So, I guess I will take the 3 hour test just in case I end up passing it and not having to worry about it anymore.

Hopefully when I talk to Dr. Bovard next Thursday we'll come up with a plan of some kind based on my test results, Jeff's schedule, and my fat baby for when this little piglet needs to be born.

Oh, evidently I'm also anemic (I'm ALWAYS anemic) and should start taking 325mg of iron twice a day. Um... I'd never poop again and would be nauseated 24/7 for the next 2 months. There's no way I can handle that. I will eat some extra spinach and steak or something.

All in all not how I wanted to start my day!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for better news Weds but I have a funny feeling about it.... we'll see....

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